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Employee Spotlight of the Week - 7

Employee Spotlight of the Week - 7

Employee Name: Shaunna Francis

Project Manager

linkedin employee of the month-intro- Shaunna-SF-01-1

Where are you from?
Central MA

How long have you lived in Boston?
15 Years 6 Months

What are your hobbies/interests?
Cosplay & Costume Making, Video Games, Performing in the Local Theatre, reading Science Fiction and Urban Fantasy.

How many languages do you speak?

What’s your favorite project in Accent Banner?
I have a soft spot for Russel Orchards since it was my first project where I converted the art for appliqué.

What do you like about Accent Banner?
“ My coworkers are wonderful. It is really fun place to work. People work hard but they also like to laugh and have fun at the same time. The standards are high but the environment is supportive so it doesn’t feel too hard to meet expectations.”

Favorite Movie: Goonies, The Taste of Tea, American Beauty

Favorite Book: A Wrinkle in Time, The Secret Garden, Walden

Favorite Artists: Steppenwolf, Bee Gees, The Who, Lyle Lovett, Missy Elliot


Applique Flags

Custom made flags and banners are our specialty at Accent Banner. And even further inside that niche is the process of applique. Unlike printing a flag, making applique flags requires an intricate process that involves a high level of skill and knowledge. The applique process is a multiple step, high quality way of producing a custom flag that involves layering fabric on top of one another to form unique patterns, shapes, and even colors.

Our team at Accent Banner can produce custom flags and banners in many different ways, but our true specialty is applique. To learn more about the applique process visit our applique page on our site.

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What is applique?

Appliqué banners are Accent Banner's signature product. These beautiful, colorful, and unique fabric-on-fabric stitched creations are designed and hand-crafted on-site, with benefit of the finest workmanship in the industry.  Each item is individually assembled and stitched by our expert sewing team. This attention to detail results in a quality product that is easily distinguished from its mass-produced competition, and in turn distinguishes your company or organization.

Want to learn more about Applique? Visit our What is applique webpage for more information!

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