5 Traits of Highly Effective Coaches

Written by Accent Banner | Jan 11, 2018 3:59:00 PM

Coaching requires more than holding a clipboard, purchasing athletic banners and showing up for games. Effective coaches can make or break even the best athletes. Coaches are not only seen as leaders on the field but often times have the opportunity to change the lives' of those they are coaching. Five of the most common traits in extraordinary coaches include:


1) Being a role model

Coaches, whether they realize it or not, are often major role models in the lives of young players. Coaches have the opportunity to be examples of exemplary behavior; which includes treating others with respect, showing up on time, staying positive regardless of the situation and using good sportsmanship. Athletes see these behaviors and mirror them as they transition into adulthood. 


2) Staying consistent and organized

Teams function well when a coach is prepared, organized, and consistent. A coach who is prepared and not caught off guard by surprises creates an environment for success. Successful coaches should have a regular routine and process in place for both practices and games. Making sure the team is prepared and on-time will instill a sense of disicipline in the players. If the coach takes the details seriously it sends a good message to the team of what's expected of them. 



3) Preparing for changes

Not everything goes as planned in sports. An ideal coach is ready to deal with a variety of situations and always has a backup plan should something not go according to plan. Preparation allows athletes to relax and focus on their performance. Thorough preparation ensures that players only need to focus on perforoming when game day arrives. A coach who's done their homework on the other team and has a solid strategy in place ensures that their team will have the highest chance of success. 

* A custom sports flag we created for Milton Academy proudly displayed in the gym.


4) Using all methods of communication

The best coaches are quickly able to communicate with the athletes, parents, and co-coaches to relay any information about the game or practice. Modern-day coaches are available via phone, e-mail, or text to communicate with players and parents instantly. Being able to keep everybody in the loop with changes to the schedule is paramount to managing a team successfully.


"In the end, it's about the teaching, and what I always loved about coaching was the practices. Not the games, not the tournaments, not the alumni stuff. But teaching the players during practice was what coaching was all about to me."

- John Wooden 

5) Learning New Skills

Coaches are in the ideal position to improve the psychological and social behaviors of athletes. As a strong role model, a good coach shows the importance of respect, organization, communication, and skill development. Showing athletes how to learn and master new skills is a process that will serve their players for the rest of their lives both on and off the field. 

We're proud to work wth a number of coaches on the high school, college, and professional level. Each time we create a new championship banner for a team we feel as though we share in their accomplishment. Making sports banners and pennants is always a rewarding process as we know it will be displayed wth pride. Contact us to request a free quote for custom banners and flags for your team.