*Looks like somebody made a hasty mistake - however it could be a cry for help!
#1: Flying the Flag Upside Down
We all know that the flag flies with the stars on blue in the upper left... but if someone flies the flag upside down, that doesn't mean they made a mistake. It's a distress signal, and means imminent help is required. According to the United States Flag Code: "The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property." So next time you think somebody made a silly mistake with their upside down flag, think again! This could be a call of distress!
#2: Lighting the US Flag
Along with the numerous other rules and procedures that make up the flag code, one includes how the flag is to be lit up. The Flag Code states “The flag may be displayed 24 hours a day if properly illuminated during the hours of darkness.” According to Were You Wondering, this is why if a flag is left on its pole overnight, a light needs to be shone on it. Natural light is perfectly acceptable for illumination, though, which is why flags are traditionally raised at dawn, and lowered at sunset. In order to be fully respectful of the correct rules of flying the American flag be sure to have the correct outdoor lighting at your home if you want to keep it flying overnight.
#3: Retiring a Flag Via Burning
We've all heard of the controversies surrounding flag burning, typically when it's done as a form of speech to protest either the U.S. in general, or something the government is currently involved in doing. However, what some people don't know is that when flags are torn, stained, ragged, or just too old to fly anymore, they're supposed to be burned. This is considered a respectful way of doing away with a flag that is no longer serviceable. To learn about other flag disposal methods or to get your flag correctly disposed of contact Accent Banner today.
For more fun flag trivia and flag facts checkout our recent flag trivia blog posts. If you're interested in getting a quote for flag disposal, flag repair, or for creating your own custom flag or banner contact us today to receive a free quote. A member of our team of flag and banner specialist will happily walk you through the process of making a custom flag for your home or business.