Okay, so you won’t see any of us standing in the Winner’s Circle but you will see one of our most unique products to date!
Okay, so you won’t see any of us standing in the Winner’s Circle but you will see one of our most unique products to date!
Topics: appliqued banners, applique, sewn banners, sports banners, american history, accent banner, banner design, event banners
From French, appliqué (pronounced app-la-kay) literally means “that which has been applied.” As an art form, a common example of appliqué is found in the world of ceramics, where a smaller often more decorative piece is attached to a larger vessel. With respect to sewing, appliqué is a needlework technique in which pieces of fabric or material are stitched onto a larger field of material to create text, images, or patterns. The process is labor-intensive but the effect is visually stunning—an overall superior result to printed format. Indoor facilities (athletic and otherwise) are the ideal forum for appliquéd banners and flags, which retain their bold, quality appearance even when viewed from a distance.
Topics: appliqued banners, applique, sewn banners, sports banners, appliqued flags, athletic banners